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Articles since 1990
Harris, J. & Fahle, M.: Differences between fovea and peripheryin the detection and discrimination of spatial offsets.
Vision Research
36 (1996)
Fahle, M. & Bachmann, G.: Better performance through amblyopic thanthrough normal eyes.
Vision Research
36 (1996)
Schimek, F.; Friess, D. & Fahle, M.: Plasma concentrations of differentlocal anaesthetics after facial nerve block.
Ophthalmic Surgery
Kramer, D. & Fahle, M.: A simple mechanism for detecting low curvatures.
Vision Research
36 (1996)
Fahle, M. & Henke-Fahle, S.: Inter-observer variance in perceptualperformance and learning.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
37, 869-877 (1996)
Schiefer, U.; Skalej,M.; Kolb, R.; Grodd, W.; Fahle, M.& Herzog,H.: Cerebral activity during visual stimulation: a positon emission tomographyand functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
German Journal of Ophthalmology
5, 109-117 (1996)
Troscianko, T.; Davidoff, J.; Humphreys, G.; Landis, T.; Fahle, M.,Greenlee, M.; Brugger, P. & Phillips, W.: Human colour discrimination- mediated by a non-parvocellular pathway.
Current Biology
Leonards, U.; Singer, W. & Fahle, M. : The influence of temporalphase differences on texture segmentation.
Vision Research
Fahle, M. & Morgan, M.: Perceptual learning: no transfer of learningbetween vernier and bisection tasks.
Current Biology
Kreissig, I.; Simader, E.; Fahle, M. & Lincoff, H.: Visual acuityafter segmental buckling and non-drainage: a 15-year follow-up.
European Journal of Ophthalmology
5, 240-246 (1995)
Harris, J. & Fahle, M.: The detection and discrimination of spatialoffsets.
Vision Research
35, 51-58 (1995)
Fahle, M. & Koch, C.: Spatial displacement, but not temporal asynchrony,destroys figural binding.
Vision Research
35, 491- 494 (1995)
Schimek, F. & Fahle, M.: Techniques of facial nerve block.
British J. Ophthalmology
79, 166-173 (1995)
Fahle, M.: Perception of oppositely moving verniers, and spatio- temporalinterpolation.
Vision Research
35, 925-937 (1995)
Fahle, M. & Westheimer, G.: On the time course of inhibition inthe stereoscopic perception of rows of dots.
Vision Research
1393-1399 (1995)
Fahle, M.; Edelman, S. & Poggio, T.: Fast perceptual learning inhyperacuity.
Vision Research
35, 3003-3013 (1995)
Schimek, F., Friess, D. & Fahle, M.: Plasma concentrations of lignocaineafter proximal and peripheral facial nerve block.
German Journal of Ophthalmology
4, 315-319 (1995)
Fahle, M. & Luberichs, J.: Extension of a recent therapy for dyslexia.
German Journal of Ophthalmology
Fahle, M. & De Luca, E.: Spatio-temporal interpolation in depth.
Vision Research
34, 343-348 (1994)
Geiger, G.; Lettvin, J. & Fahle, M.: Dyslexic children learn a newvisual strategy for reading: a controlled experiment.
Vision Research
34, 1223-1233 (1994)
Schimek, F. & Fahle, M.: Retrobulbar injection dangerously deep ?
Ophthalmic surgery
25/5, 339-341 (1994)
Fahle, M.; Henke-Fahle, S. & Harris, J.: The definition of thresholdsfor stereoscopic depth.
British J. Ophthalmology
78, 572-576 (1994)
Fahle, M.: Human pattern recognition: Parallel processing and perceptuallearning.
23, 411-427 (1994)
Fahle, M. & Skrandies, W.: An electrophysiological correlate ofperceptual learning in humans.
German J. Ophthalmology
Skrandies, W. & Fahle, M.: Neurophysiological correlates of perceptuallearning in the human brain.
Brain Topography
Fahle, M. & Edelman, S.: Long-term learning in hyperacuity.
Vision Research
33, 397-412 (1993)
Schimek, F.; Steuhl, K.P. & Fahle, M.: Retrobulbar blockade of somatic,motor, and visual nerves by local anesthetics.
Ophthalmic surgery
24, 171-180 (1993)
Fahle, M.: Visual learning in the hyperacuity range in adults.
German J. Ophthalmol
. 2, 83-86 (1993)
Weiss, Y.; Edelman, S. & Fahle, M.: Models of perceptual learningin vernier hyperacuity.
Neural Computation
5, 695-718 (1993)
Fahle, M.: Figure-ground discrimination from purely temporal information.
Proceedings of the Royal Society London
B 254, 199-203 (1993)
Wilhelm, H. & Fahle, M.: No naso-temporal asymmetry in the perifovea.
Clinical Vision Sciences
Fahle, M. & Harris, J.: Visual memory for spatial offsets.
Vision Research
32, 1033-1042 (1992)
Morgan, M.J. & Fahle, M.: Effect of pattern-element density upondisplacement limits for motion detection in random binary luminance patterns.
Proceedings of the Royal Society London
B 248, 189-198 (1992)
Poggio, T., Fahle, M. & Edelman, S.: Fast perceptual learning invisual hyperacuity.
256, 1018-1021 (1992)
Zanker, J.; Mohn, G.; Weber, U.; Zeitler-Dries, K. & Fahle, M.:The development of vernier acuity in human infants.
Vision Research
32, 1557-1564 (1992)
Fahle, M., Troscianko, T. & Kreissig, I.: A colour-flicker analysisof visual function in retinal detachment patients.
German J. Ophthalmol
1, 367-370 (1992)
Poggio, T.; Edelman, S. & Fahle, M.: Learning of visual modulesfrom examples: A framework for understanding adaptive visual performance.
Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing: Image Understanding
Fahle, M.: Psychophysical measurement of eye drifts and tremor by dichopticor monocular vernier acuity.
Vision Research
31, 209-222 (1991)
Fahle, M.; Steuhl, K.P. & Aulhorn, E.: Correlations between electroretinography,morphology and function in retinitis pigmentosa.
Graefe's Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthal
. 229, 37-49 (1991)
Bülthoff, H.; Fahle, M. & Wegmann, M.: Perceived depth scaleswith disparity gradient.
20, 145-153 (1991)
Fahle, M. & Wehrhahn, C.: Motion perception in the periphery ofthe visual field.
Graefe's Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthal.
Fahle, M.: A new elementary feature of vision.
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Science
32, 2151-2155 (1991)
Fahle, M. & Palm, G.: Perceptual rivalry between illusory and realcontours.
Biological Cybernetics
66, 1-8 (1991)
Fahle, M.: Parallel perception of vernier offsets, curvature, and chevronsin humans.
Vision Research
31, 2149-2184 (1991)
Fahle, M. & Zrenner, E.: Visual psychophysics.
Current Opinion in Ophthalmology
Heide, W.; Fahle, M.; Koenig, E.; Dichgans, J. & Schroth, G.: Impairmentof vertical motion detection and downgaze palsy due to rostral midbraininfarction.
J. Neurology
237, 432-440 (1990)
Schimek, F.; Steuhl, K.P.; Fahle, M. & Thiel, H.J.: Die Lidakinesienach unterschiedlichen Techniken der Facialisnerven-Anästhesie.
87, 696-702 (1990)
Trauzettel-Klosinski, S.; Diener, H.C. & Fahle, M.: Vergleich desFlimmertests nach Aulhorn mit den visuell evozierten Poten- tialen in derDiagnostik der Neuritis nervi optici.
Fortschr. Ophthal.
Fahle, M.: Spatio-temporal interpolation.
Concepts in Neuroscience